Tuesday 15 June 2010


The football is the sport most beautiful of the world, I Think is on e of the best invention of the history. The football is for my, like religion is for the people; the stadium is my church and the football ball my cross.

I'm fanatic to the football team of the "Universidad de Chile". I'm going to every match if this is possible. I belong at "Los de Abajo" the "barra-brava" of the football team and I sing the ninety minutes play.

My favourite Chilean player is Marcelo Salas, I think he is one of the best player in the history of our football. "El Matador" (nickname of Marcelo Salas) is the maximum scorer chilean soccer selection and triumphed in all teams around the world in he played.

At worlwide I admire like football player at Diego Armando Maradona, who was world champion in México 86'. I like the way as he achieved this heroic deed, as became the team leader and led his country to glory. Also I like his way of being, the vision he has on society where he has shown his reject to ideas of capitalism and intervention of USA in Latin America.

About the present edition of the FIFA World Cup, I wanna tell you to Chile will be the World champion! We have the players, they have teamed to build up hopes to all the people of our country!

Tomorrow will be the debut of our football team and I don’t doubt will be a day to celebrate!



  1. ELEÉ!...
    also I hope that Chile will be the World champion!

    (you lose against dubi dubi!!!)
    (Manu chao is the best)

  2. Great video!
    But football sucks!! :P
